Lacock Abbey and Village

Lacock Village is nestled in the South Cotswolds. It is a famous village that you may recognise if you are familiar with the BBC production of Pride and Prejudice but also it is home to the birth place of Harry Potter!
We strolled around the picturesque village and found a little picnic spot before making a bee line for the Abbey and its grounds.

 Inside the grounds, we followed the flower trail and Louie put his photography skills to use once again!

 So many butterflies came out to play, I couldn't resist snapping away at the beauties.

It was fantastic to visit the home of William Fox Talbot, the Grandfather of Photography. The museum was of particular interest (of course!) and even my boys enjoyed it. The Abbey had beautiful stonework in the Cloisters and I enjoyed exploring the house in peace as they played in the sunshine for an hour.


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