Little Adventurer

Our first outing of the New Year, a brisk walk at Packwood to fight off the terrible cough that Mr Bee has had since Christmas Eve. My legs were finally feeling a little better (After the Physio crippled me three weeks ago...) so we braved the rather muddy Welly Walk, going the whole hog this time. 

This handsome chap was being such a charmer as we flew (literally, we were being aeroplanes) around the Kitchen Garden.
What a menu, Mr Bee had a picnic bucket but still ended up sharing the Mushroom and Thyme soup anyway because it was so delicious. Then we set off on the welly walk.

 Proper mud...
This was just too cute, a proper little action shot, blur and all, jumping off of the big stone. 3, 2 1, JUMP!

He had so fun pretending to be Bear Grylls and thankfully the walk did the trick, no more coughs, well, at least until we got home!


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