The Stamford Hospital

Bank Holiday Monday gave us the opportunity to visit Dunham Massey on our way home from Lancashire. I have wanted to visit here for so long, so I was really pleased that we would be stopping off. Unfortunately, about 5000 other people had the same idea! This meant that we couldn't have the idyllic spring afternoon that we had imagined, but we made the most of it anyway. 

The house was owned by the Earl of Stamford and during the First World War, Dunham Massey was converted in to the Stamford Hospital for injured soldiers. 

All around were signs of the war and the hospital that had been, but also the beautiful features of the house and the 'original' rooms which had been left unaffected by the war efforts. 

Mr NTA and I hope to return soon and spend a little more time here, at a more leisurely pace! But for now, the house really was wonderful.


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