The Best Medicine

 Last night was interesting, Mr Bee has had a cough for a few weeks now but last night, he coughed so much that he made himself sick, just about everywhere. So I gave him the choice of where to go for a good, brisk, chilly walk to see if we could cure the cold. Of course he wanted to go for a walk around Calke, as the gardens are open for the year.


I had been up since so early (someone turfed me out of bed at silly o clock) so I didn't even notice how early we arrived at Calke. It felt like lunch time to me! But we were very grateful to have the gardens to ourselves. It is such a peaceful place at this time of day, it isn't the first time that we have been the first people in! However when we made it back to the visitors centre, it was absolutely heaving!

It was such a beautiful morning, well spent indeed.


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